Scott Sheridan

SVP of Operations, New England

While originally from Massachusetts, Scott joined the U.S. Army at a young age and made it a 22-year career which enabled him to live in many wonderful places. Scott served in several distinguished units to include the 82nd Airborne, the 101st Airborne (Air Assault), the Berlin Brigade, where he was stationed in 1989, when the Berlin Wall was taken down, and the Army’s recruiting command, to mention a few. Scott spent most of his career in the Infantry as a combat arms leader. Additionally, he spent quite a few years as a recruiter and later as a Station Commander within the Army’s recruiting command.

In 2006, the Vice President of Van Pool Transportation, Kevin Hinkamper, recruited Scott to join Van Pool as a Regional Manager. At that time, Van Pool had a total of 225 employees. When Van Pool was acquired by Audax 12-plus years later, that number was well over 2,000 employees.

Scott’s leadership and logistics experience in the military required a level of adjustment to become applicable in special needs school transportation. However, he has always been highly adaptable and soon began to study, and later master, the greater aspects of school transportation.

In 2023, Beacon chief operating officer Westley Richters asked Scott if he would be interested in heading up a team of highly motivated professionals in Chicago, Illinois. Scott now finds himself working with the great people of SCR Medical Transportation, Alltown Bus Service, and all the companies that are included in the Central region. Scott is proud to be a member of the Central team, a former member of the New England team, and is especially proud to be a part of Beacon Mobility.

Favorite Leadership Quote:

"My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind — accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers (people)."

United States Army, Non-Commissioned Officer's Creed.
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